Part 96: Gumbo NPC Chatter 5
Welcome back!
Finally, we can talk to this woman here. And her text is the same as her boyfriend's. Which is very minorly different from what it was back before the volcano.
By which I mean that Justin and Feena have different reactions.
Taylor and Tom-Tom, though, do have new text.

: I understand about being happy, but think about what we have to look at.

: Oooh. ♥ ♥Tom♥Tom♥ ♥ Oooooh.

: It's no good. I can't listen.

: Incredible. I knew you were two were brave, but now you guys are really incredible.
Usually I fix the game's typos when transcribing, but this one made me chuckle.

: You mean no one became a couple, because they were scared of being sacrificed?
And that's why Gumbo gets a happy ending. Everybody thought Justin and Feena knew what they were signing up for.

: No, never!

: It was terrible. If you were talking together, you were deemed a couple. Therefore, all the young men and women of the village would approach each other as little as possible.
Oh no! Justin's starting to rub off on Feena!
... I'm just going to classify that as "unfortunately phrased" and make no further comment.

: Well, at any rate, since no one volunteered to be sacrificed, they assumed there was a way!

: Well yes, but they didn't want to be the way.
Dangit, I'd make a "they had a bad feeling?" joke here, but I already did that back on the Ghost Ship. Anyway, let's go check up on the people outside.
I bet it will.

: You are the true Brave Couple. You have to be, you defeated that fire dragon! The pier will likely be full of couples. Try going to the isolated islet to relax.

: You are really a terrific couple. You rose above the fire dragon by the power of love. I'm so envious of you.
No, we flew above it by the power of catapult. We then caved its face in by doing a rain dance with our shaman sticks. Eekum bokum and all that mumbo-jumbo.

: I wonder if Danda and I will ever rise up to be a true couple.

: Surely, your names will go down in Gumbo tradition as a great couple.
I'll say. I covered them all in one update with room to spare!

: Now everyone will be dating madly noon or night! We can say so. We've been on a date here since noon. Tonight, we'll gaze at the stars all night.

: You returned from the volcano without being sacrificed? Yes, you are the Brave Couple! ♥ Thanks to the volcano erupting, the nights are so warm now. ♥ It feels like Gumbo is as it was. Oooou. We will watch the stars till morning just like we did when we first met. ♥ The stars are so beautiful. I am happy just being with him. ♥

: We didn't know that a couple would be sacrificed.

: You didn't know the legend of the sacrifice? Really? Still, considering that the village was saved thanks to you, you're not angry are you? Ha ha!

: Somehow in the atmosphere of this village, I have a feeling that you can be easily taken in.

: I really wish you had let us know. Because it was really tough.

: I'm sorry. I thought you knew about the sacrifice. We'll fall deeper in love for you! That will return the kindness! ♪
Whatever, as long as we don't have to watch.

: Everything has been resolved. As we expected, you are the Brave Couple.

: I wish you'd told us everything. Well, in the end, it all worked out well.

: We won't forget this debt. We must return the kindness by making romance even more.

: What in the world is he doing?

: "You have made my heart go mad". I wonder if Papa is all right? What should I do?

: Heh heh. She said she liked me covered with mud. So, I should get even dirtier. Therefore, it's a waste of time to sleep. Well, let's get muddy. Muddy muddy, for that girl. ♪ Muddy muddy, another gift for you. ♪

: I love everything about you. From now until forever, I will love you. Your shining white teeth. Your smile that pretends not to know. Your cute little snort. I love everything about you. I couldn't live without you! Forever together!

: Your flowing hair. The smile of an angel on your face. Your diamond eyes. I love everything about you From now until forever, I will love you. Your glowing cheeks. That charming yawn. Your enticing sleepy look.
I will be so happy when we can finally stop creeping on the NPCs.
We're so hot, we have to wear fire resist gear!
Ouch, that was bad.

: It must be true that something so hot would lure the volcano into becoming hot. Do you want to cross to the islet? It's just the place for a couple who wants to be alone. There are couples everywhere. Thanks to you, it goes on. Well, this is what's happening in Gumbo.
Good thing we can't go out onto the pier, otherwise this update'd be a lot longer.

So let's skip ahead to the next morning.
Still no optional dinners, despite there being plenty of text in the map files for them.
The fortune is the same as always, so let's turn her down.

No, I don't care for fortune telling.

: Aw, that's too bad. My fortunes are always right on. All happy ones. Oh joy, happy happy. No couples ever break up so my fortunes are always happy. But they are REAL fortunes, so if you do want your fortune told, you can always let me know.
Preeeeeetty sure that's not what courage is, dude.

: That fire dragon you defeated had a wicked disposition and ate Spirits. I, Master Frog, could do nothing. That's why we had no choice but to sacrifice a couple, an alter ego of the Spirits and a messenger of love. This is great! The Gumbo folktale that frogs and couple are alter egos of the Spirits is really true!

: You brave volunteers are truly an incredible couple. Yes you are.

: We didn't volunteer to be the couple. Before we knew it, we were being sacrificed.

: Oh, my, my. You didn't know? My, my. Is that so?
Oh, Bad Pun Guy. You'll always be here for me.

: ... ...

: What did one wall say to the other wall? I'll meet you at the corner.
It'll never get old, Justin being disappointed in Feena for her jokes.

: Aha ha ha! Wall at the corner! Good one! I'll have to work on my jokes more, so I can tell you a new one next time I see you!

: I'll defeat it. There's nothing I can't do. What kind of monster is it?

: He said, "When I think of Honey, it breaks my heart". So the monster's called "Honey".

: Hmm... I don't think I can help you.

: When the hot spring dried up, I thought I'd have to take a regular bath. But a hot spring is the best! The people of Gumbo can't be taking boring, old, regular baths! Hot spring! Hot spring! Hot spring!

: I understand, Old Man. But you don't have to spit.

: Isn't that strange? Everywhere else the hot spring has returned to normal. Oh, I sure want to get in the hot spring. But it can't be helped. Let's go swimming in the ocean.

: That's what I think. I want to share in that paradise, so I decided to dig a hole.
All right, that one was worth putting up with all the repetitive crap earlier.

: Ha ha. Don't cry. I don't think there were any girls in there.

: Aha ha. Of course she would!
Jesus shit, Feena, I've played Dwarf Fortress adventurers with more empathy than that.

: All mud aside, however, it's great that you're working.

: It's only natural. If I get dirtier, I should surely be able to win her heart back. I won't take a bath until she comes back. I'll get even muddier. ♪

: Thanks to the Brave Couple, the hot spring appears to be flowing again. This is wonderful.

: In Gumbo, you just thrust your sword anywhere, and a hot spring gushes up.

: Well, Gadwin, you have superhuman strength, so it's easy for you. It's not an easy feat for us.

Should I tell him I'm nearly as strong as Gadwin?

Not unless you wanna be on hot springs duty.

: I'm glad the hot spring returned. I guess there was no curse. But I feel sorry for 'em, so I'll never pee in their water ever again!
G'night, everybody!